What is the Carnivore "All Meat" Diet?

What is the Carnivore "All Meat" Diet?

It seems that diet trends sprout out every couple of years. From torturous juice cleanses to ones that only allow you to eat jars of baby food—we’ve heard it all. 

Thankfully, nutritionists and fitness “experts” have become more reasonable.  We now have the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes the use of olive oil and contains lots of whole grains and fish, and more recently, the carnivore diet, which, you guessed it, is an all-meat diet. 


Is the carnivore diet the same as keto? 

While the carnivore diet and keto both give importance to fat, unlike keto, which allows a small amount of carbs per day, the carnivore diet saves no space for anything but meat and other animal products. 

On the carnivore diet, you’re allowed non-processed meat, eggs, and limited dairy products. Other types of food, like vegetables, fruits, and legumes, are off-limits. Of course, no sugar. 


What exactly is the carnivore diet? 

The carnivore diet is every meat-eaters dream. Think about it: steak for breakfast, grilled lamb chops for lunch, a pork roast for dinner—you can enjoy them all with no guilt. It’s everything traditional nutritionists would warn you about, except indulging in copious amounts of meat can now help you lose weight. 

Yes, there’s none of that calorie counting, food weighing, or limiting yourself. It’s simple, all you have to do is eat meat. 

Like keto, the diet was developed under the belief that early humans thrived on a meat and fish diet, and that today’s modern society is riddled with inflammation and other health problems due to our high-carb intake. 


Food you can eat

The best thing about the carnivore diet is that it’s extremely easy to follow. There’s no need to spend tons of money on expensive ingredients too. 


  • Meat  - Beef, pork, lamb, turkey game. Preferably cuts with higher fat content like ribeye steaks,  porterhouse, pork chops, and ground meat with 80/20 fat ratio. 
  • Fish - Choose the fattier fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, or tuna.
  • Animal products - Eggs, bone marrow, broth.  
  • Animal-based fats - Instead of using vegetable oil, cook with tallow, or lard. 
  • Low-lactose dairy products - While some will avoid dairy completely, hard cheese, and grass-fed butter are generally okay.  
  • Seasonings/Spices - Salt, pepper, simple herbs, and zero-calorie hotsauce are allowed. No seasonings with sugar. 

  •  Health benefits

    While there are still no concrete studies about the health benefits of starting an all-meat diet, and there are understandably some skeptics, there have been a number of success stories. Here are some of the claims: 

    • Weight loss - There are concrete studies that show high-protein, low-carb diets can lead to weight loss. A high-protein diet can boost your metabolism and help you burn calories faster. Additionally, an all-meat meal can make you feel full faster and satisfy you for a longer time.
    • Decreased inflammation - Removing sugar, processed foods, and carbs from your diet can decrease inflammatory problems. This also means fewer instances of aches and body pain. 
    • Healthier gut - While plant-based food is often associated with health, many can actually trigger gastrointestinal issues. Eliminating fruits, which can be irritants, and other vegetables like potatoes and eggplants can lower your chances of gas and bloating. 
    • Clearer mind - A lot of carnivores have reported improved focus, energy, and overall mental clarity. 


            How to start a carnivore diet

            The beauty of the carnivore diet is in its simplicity, you probably already have what you need to get started. Eliminate everything else that you don’t need from your kitchen. No more sugar, carbs, veggies, and fruits. 

            Like starting any other diet, start slow. Have small goals and see how your body reacts to the change. Having a meal plan will help you stay on track and make meal prep more efficient. 


            Is the carnivore diet for you?

            No diet is a one-size-fits-all type of thing. When starting any sort of diet, it’s always best to consult a health professional. Like any fad diet, there are also some potential health risks involved, especially since you’re eliminating important food groups from your meals. 

            Those with high cholesterol and special nutritional requirements may not be good candidates for the diet, so it really depends on your personal health and needs. 

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